Greybishop's Chess Set

An area to update those interested in my progress as I build a custom "Marvel Vs. DC" Chess Set. Enjoy!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

An old guy who you would find boring. Special skills include: Ability to eat a whole pizza in a single sitting, regardless of size; Amazing taste in comic book related apparel; My cleverest moments invariably occur when there's no audience.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Could you please put some PANTS on?

So I'm looking at the Thing and I can say that his body is very close (Perhaps one or two more layers of paint) to finished. But the big guy still hasn't got his pants on. Paint layer #6 to the rescue. Porcelain Blue to be exact. Brushed over the black base to help brighten up the "speedo" area and provide a darker under colour for the (eventually) white belt.

Right side, flash off.

Right side, flash on.

Left side, flash off.

Left side, flash on.

Since I had the porcelain blue out, I decided to give the Hulk his second layer of colour. Normally, I'd finish the body/legs first and then attack the pants separately, but since he's so "open" (no serious cramped spaces to work in - see the Thing's left hand where it meets his "speedo" for an example of what I mean) I'm comfortable working in more than one colour set at a time on this figure.
The porcelain blue lightens up the area for the purple pants I'm going to put him in. Any of the lighter under colour that ends up showing through will appear as a wear spot in the fabric, compimenting the illusion.

Front, flash off.

Front, flash on.

Rear, flash off.

Rear, flash on.


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