Greybishop's Chess Set

An area to update those interested in my progress as I build a custom "Marvel Vs. DC" Chess Set. Enjoy!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

An old guy who you would find boring. Special skills include: Ability to eat a whole pizza in a single sitting, regardless of size; Amazing taste in comic book related apparel; My cleverest moments invariably occur when there's no audience.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

The Custom Marvel Chess Set

And that, as they say, is that.


I've begun collecting pieces for a Star Trek set (why I never thought of that before is a total mystery!) and the additional pieces necessary to create several more Star Wars sets. If anyone is interested, I may even be able to make up sets that reflect A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, rather than a more generic Star Wars set as I've already created. I have a few other projects on the go at the moment, so I'm in no rush to start another Star Wars set at the moment, but if there was interest, I'd drop everything else for a custom order.

Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoyed following the project as much as I enjoyed doing it!

YouTube is being a pain and I'll have to do an audioswap. Grr.

If you'd like to view the vid with proper music, download it by clicking here.


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