Greybishop's Chess Set

An area to update those interested in my progress as I build a custom "Marvel Vs. DC" Chess Set. Enjoy!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

An old guy who you would find boring. Special skills include: Ability to eat a whole pizza in a single sitting, regardless of size; Amazing taste in comic book related apparel; My cleverest moments invariably occur when there's no audience.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Wet brushing?

In this "layer" I've attacked in several directions. Some drybrushing, some highlights and even the first (sloppy looking) white layer in the eyes. This is probably the most difficult part of the figure to get right, particularly in the case of the Thing, where the mold is less than great in the eye area. It'll take several touches to get it right, but I'll get it eventually. It's one of the most noticable things to go wrong in most figures and I haven't done this in a while, so I'm re-learning my techniques. Fear not, gentle reader, the eyes will look better than today's post might lead you to believe.

The Thing, whites of his eyes, another layer of white on the belt, very light drybrush of white over the "speedo" and even lighter over the rest of him. Standard views.

The Hulk, whites of eyes, dry brush white on the fringes of his pants. Also a technique of my own (never seen it in any "paint miniatures" manual or article) I call "wet" brushing. Basically, drybrush with a lighter colour (Very light green in this case) then while it's still wet take a darker colour, mix it in with the lighter and drybrush again, blending the colours together. I think it gives more natural tones.


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