Greybishop's Chess Set

An area to update those interested in my progress as I build a custom "Marvel Vs. DC" Chess Set. Enjoy!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

An old guy who you would find boring. Special skills include: Ability to eat a whole pizza in a single sitting, regardless of size; Amazing taste in comic book related apparel; My cleverest moments invariably occur when there's no audience.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Flesh on villains...

A first coat of flesh tone on Captain Needar, a second coat on Kingpin, Luthor, a first coat on Juggernaut's arms (I missed them the first time) and a second on his face, a first coat on Moff Tarkin and a second on Mole Man.

Flesh tone on heroes...

Second coat of flesh tone on Wonder Woman, Wolverine, a tiny touch on Green Lantern around the mask, and a second coat on Hawkeye and Professor X.

Sunday, December 30, 2007


White on Green Lantern's gloves and chest emblem.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Together again, for the first time!

Ladies and Gentlemen! I present to you, for the first time, a COMPLETE row of my custom painted chess pieces, the Star Wars Rebel Back Row.

In my hastily constructed white box, we have (left to right):
Rook: R2-D2
Knight: Han Solo
Bishop: Luke Skywalker
Queen: Princess Leia
King: Yoda
Bishop: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Knight: Chewbacca
Rook: C-3PO

R2 ReDone.

A final touch with gold on R2's feet cables and he's done.

R2 represents TWO milestones in the chess set.

First, he's the 32nd figure I've completed, so the three sets are now OFFICIALLY 1/3 complete.

Second, he is the final figure in the back row of the Star Wars Rebels, so he represents the final figure in the FIRST COMPLETE ROW of the project.

R2 ReDo Part 11.

Tiny touch ups with steel.

A final touch...

A very light drybrush of bright green on Scorpion to take some of the whiteness out of the last coat of light green and he's done!

Flesh tone and light grey.

Light grey drybrushed on Green Lantern, plus flesh tone on his face. Flesh tone on Wolverine's arms and jaw.


Flesh tone on Juggernaut's face, Kingpin's face and hands, Scorpion's face and Mole Man's face.


A first coat of yellow on Electro and Wolverine

Bright green.

Bright green on Poison Ivy's boots, collar and gloves, Green Lantern's bodice, Mole Man's goggles, top and pants, and finally on Scorpion's face, trunks, gloves, boots and tail tip.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Maroon and Orange

Maroon on Juggernaut's clothing, a second coat of orange on Cheetah and a first coat of orange on Wolverine.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Darkened red.

Darkened red on Juggernaut and a second coat on Scarlet Witch.

Sash. Eh.

Adding Jean Grey's sash.

Light green.

A little light green drybrushed on Poison Ivy and Green Lantern.

Flesh tone.

First coat of flesh tone on Hawkeye.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

If you're evil, or at least nuts, purple is probably your colour.

Purple piping on Hawkeye's tunic, purple on Lex's shirt, purple for Joker's trademark tails and purple pants for the Kingpin.

Light blue.

A bit of light blue highlighting on Hawkeye's tunic.


A freeze gun for Captain Cold, a helmet, shaved boots and various fringes for Hawkgirl and a skirt and shaved features for Giganta.

Ladies in dark red...

Dark red priming on Scarlett Witch, dark red on Mystique's hair and drybrushed on Poison Ivy's hair.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Cobalt blue.

Cobalt blue on Professor X's turtleneck, Hawkeye's leggings, as a base for Mystique, and finally drybrushed on Wonder Woman's loin cloth and Mr. Fantastic's suit.

Nightcrawler, complete.

Some blue touch ups and a final coat of lightened blue on his face and tail and he's done.

Hawkman, complete.

Steel highlights on Hawkman's mace and he's done.

Touches and touch ups...

Yellow on Hawkman's belt boots and harness. Red on his harness buckle. Black touch ups on his mace. A couple of black touches on Nightcrawler.

Gloss Red.

Gloss red enamel on the tops of Nightcrawler's boots, and on Wonder Woman's boots and the red portion of her bodice.

Dark grey

Dark grey on Kingpin (His suit will eventually be white), Professor X's pants, Green Lantern's unitard, Nightcrawler's unitard and Lex's suit.

Lightened red.

Lightened red on Poison Ivy's hair, Nightcrawler's tunic and Hawkman's trunks and boots.

Light green and lots of it.

Light green drybrushed on Green Goblin, Electro, Hawkman, Mysterio, Mole Man and Scorpion.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Just some more red...

A second coat of red on Wonder Woman's bodice and boots, same on Hawkman's trunks and boots.

Flesh tone and orange...

A coat of flesh tone on Professor X, Lex and Wonder Woman, a second coat of it on Hawkman and medium orange on Cheetah.

Friday, December 14, 2007


Tiny red touches on Nightcrawler, red on Wonder Woman's boots and bodice, Hawkman's trunks and boots and finally on Poison Ivy's hair.

Wings and skin.

Barn Wood lightly drybrushed on the wings and helmet and a dark tan flesh tone on the body.

Green by any other name...

A different shade of green (Leaf Green) on Mole Man's shirt and pants, Mysterio's boots and gloves and on Poison Ivy's tunic, gloves and boots.


Purple on the Green Goblin's hat, tunic, gloves and boots. Also purple on Mysterio's cape.

I should have done this in March!

The paintin' o' the green...
Dark green on Mole Man (I might as well have primed him green!), Green Goblin, Mysterio and Electro.

More dark green on Poison Ivy, Green Lantern and Hawkman.


Brown on Professor X's face and hands, all over Cheetah, Lex's face and hands, Green Lantern's face and Poison Ivy's face and hands.

Gloss White.

Gloss white enamel on Nightcrawler's gloves and boots.

More black...

Black priming on Cheetah, Professor X, Lex Luthor and Poison Ivy, plus black touch ups on Nightcrawler.

Bald men are king!

A lucky find! A bald man in a wheelchair...ok, so he's wearing a turtleneck...Professor X can be casual. And a man in an ordinary suit...

A simple X-acto knife hair cut later...Lex Luthor!


Brown on Hawkman's wings, helmet and exposed flesh.

Red coat, again.

A second coat of red on Nightcrawler's coat and boots.

Red coat...

A first coat of red on Nightcrawler's tunic and boot tops.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


White on Nightcrawler's uniform, gloves and boots. The gloves and boots will be white, while the uniform and boot tops will be red.


Black priming on Hawkman, Green Lantern and my modified Electro, plus a second coat of black on Nightcrawler.

Brown and dark blue...

Dark blue on Nightcrawler's face and tail. Brown on Wolverine's arms and face, Hawkeye's arms and face and Kingpin's face.

Catwoman complete.

A couple of tiny flesh tone touch ups and she's done.

Gloss Black.

Gloves, belt and boots. Mee-oww!